Friday, November 21, 2008

Bowling Field Trips......

I would like to congratulate all of the 7th and 8th grade students on a job well done at the bowling alley this past Thursday and Friday. The Lakeview students showed respect and courtesy, which made the trip even more fun!

Next week in class, eighth grade students will have their volleyball and bowling test on Tuesday, while seventh grade students will test the week we return from Thanksgiving break.

On Tuesday after shortened classes, students will all gather in the old gym for the volleyball games and Lakeview Derby. Good luck to all of the teachers who are participating in the derby this week!

I wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving break and that you get to spend the time with family and friends!

Friday, November 14, 2008


Yesterday in P.E. class we started playing our volleyball games. I think this unit will be a very competitive one between many of the teams, but in the end it is all friendly competition and positive sportsmanship. On only the first day I saw excellent plays being run, good communication by teammates AND..... a big block by Kelly S. on one of the spikes from Jason B. Keep up the good work!!

Bears vs. Packers this Sunday at Noon. GO PACKERS!!!!!!!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Volleyball Unit

This week all three grade levels started new units. In 7th and 8th grade, students are in the beginning stages of the volleyball unit. We have been working on our basic skills that are needed to play a game of volleyball. These include passing, setting, hitting and serving. All of my classes have been doing an excellent job and I am looking forward to watching some great volleyball games. Sixth grade students started their new section of units: volleyball, bowling and strength training. All study guides are online for each unit that we participate in during the school year.

The J.V. basketball season is already underway with both teams holding practices after school in prepartion for the first game on Monday, November 10th. All girls participating in the intramural basketball program should be ready to go at 3:05pm on Monday the 10th in the old gym. Remember to check your schedule that you received at tryouts for our practice dates. As a reminder, we practice EVERY time there is a J.V. basketball game.

I hope you all have a very enjoyable weekend and try to stay warm!!!