Tuesday, May 19, 2009

This past week in P.E. class we started our softball and floor hockey units for the 7th and 8th grade classes. After this week, we will be starting our softball tournament where each team comes up with their own name and we tally up all of the wins and losses for the entire grade level to see who ends up with the best record for 7th and 8th grade.

Today in class we are running the mile for the second time in the Spring. The goal for each student is to stay within 30 seconds of their original time to receive the full credit for the run.

The sixth grade classes will be switching to their final units of the year tomorrow in class. Mr. Dvorak's class will be playing soccer, Mr. Dodd's class will be in badminton and Ms. Nyhlen's class will be playing softball.

Let's finish up this school year strong!!!

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