Friday, November 13, 2009

Bowling Field Trip....

The volleyball and bowling units are well underway with all of the classes doing a great job! Next week the 7th and 8th grade students will be going on their bowling field trips to the AMF Bowling Lanes. On Thursday, November 19th, the 7th grade students will go in the morning during 1st, 2nd and 3rd period classes. Then on Friday, November 18th, the 8th graders will go 3rd-A Lunch. Students are allowed to bring their own spending money for snacks.

The sixth grade students have been doing a nice job on their units up to date. On Monday, all three classes will be taking their cognitive test over their current unit. Mr. Dodd's class is in bowling, Mr. Dvorak's class is in strength training and Ms. Nyhlen's class is in volleyball. Please review your study guides this weekend.

Congratulations to the girl's JV Basketball team on their victory over Gower yesterday. It was a well played game on both offense and defense. Keep up the great work Spartans!

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