Friday, February 3, 2012

New Unit Rotation in 6th Grade...

This week we changed our units in 6th grade PE classes. Nyhlen's class is now with Mr. Dodd in basketball, Mr. Dodd's class is with Mr. Dvorak in strength training and Mr. Dvorak's class is with Ms. Nyhlen in floor hockey. Students in floor hockey worked on the basics of passing and accuracy with their teammates and started playing half court games on Friday. Excellent play so far by all students and I look forward to watching some competitive games next week.

In 7th and 8th grade, students are still alternating between basketball and strength training. The girls have done a wonderful job in the strength training unit and continue to see self-improvements in the amount of sets and reps that they can do. Keep up the great work girls!

Have a great weekend everyone and be sure to watch what should be a very good Super Bowl this Sunday.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very nice website. I like to see activities that other teachers are doing in their classes. I have made a blog of my own ( I would love for you to check it out, and see what you think. I'm trying to make this website a resource for Physical Education teachers to use when they're looking for something different to do in their classes. I add a game of the day everyday and add a tag game every Friday. Most of these are geared toward elementary aged students, but anyone can enjoy playing these games.